8 Biggest Game Of Thrones Book Swerves

8. Sansa Stark And The Bolton Bastard

Ramsay Bolton is probably the most hated character in Game Of Thrones. You'll remember the controversy surrounding last season's rape of Sansa Stark. Ramsay Bolton is every inch the despicable fiend he is in the books, but his victim has been switched out, and I think for the better.

In A Dance With Dragons, Jeyne Poole is wed to the grinning sadist as a ringer for the missing Arya Stark. In an enterprising bluff to secure the North for the Boltons, Ramsay is matched with this poor young girl who he abuses in turn.

Why make the switch in the show? I believe this change kills two hard to reach birds with one stone. The books see Sansa learning to flex her manipulative muscles in the Eerie for quite a while. Not only have we seen this to some degree already, but the key to the North is hardly everybody's favorite Stark.

This switch gains some previously lacking viewer sympathy. The show-runners have condensed the time-consuming Eerie angle and have given her a baptism of fire; something she sorely needed.

In their most controversial move yet, they got everybody to really care about what happens to Sansa going into season 6.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.