8 Biggest Game Of Thrones Book Swerves

1. Season 6...Anything Can Happen

Here we are. The North is seemingly lost, Jon Snow is (cough) dead, Whites to the North, Lannisters barely clinging to power, Daenerys surrounded by a strange khalasar, Arya blind, Sansa on the run and only two healers in the whole game!

There are a few sub plots the books have not been mined for. The most interesting being the Greyjoys. With casting confirmed for Euron Greyjoy, we may see the Kingsmoot heavily featured, maybe with the possible dragon controlling Hell Horn.

Keep a look out for Brienne€™s ambiguous murder victims. Pray for Sansa. Hope for Bronn. And watch the trees. They may bare fruits, or they may bare Freys.

We are heading into unknown territory here. Benioff and Weiss have been briefed on the direction of the books, but the beauty of season 6 is this; until a new book is released, we won't know which parts are swerves or not€..Or who is swerving who.

On that day, fellow TV show viewers, crank up The Rains of Castamere. Find your canteen plot wrecker, lean in close and whisper our new house words;

€œThat's not how it happens in the show.€

Valar morghulis, bookworms......valar morghulis.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.