8 Biggest Game Of Thrones Criticisms (And Why They're Wrong)

3. There Are Too Many Characters

The Criticism: This is one that you hear from a lot of people who have tried the show but given up on it before it really gets going out of sheer frustration. With 42 names having appeared on Game of Thrones' extensive credits as main characters, plus the countless supporting actors adding to the confusion, it€™s easy to get lost in Westeros, never mind the world beyond. There are a lot of beards and a lot of breasts, and after a while they all start to blur into one big hairy chest. Why It€™s Wrong: There is no getting away from the fact that Game of Thrones has a lot of characters, and you need to be on the ball if you are going to remember the name, house and motives of every last one of them. The show would be nothing if it wasn€™t vast, however, and bringing such an expansive book to life would not have worked as well with a smaller, trimmed down cast. The fabric of George RR Martin€™s world is so intertwined and rich in background detail that even removing a character of little significance could snowball and cause a problem later, which is exactly what happened with Jeyne Poole €“ the cut Winterfell girl who was actually the one forced to masquerade as Arya and suffer at the sadistic hands of Ramsay. The show have even changed characters names to make viewers less likely to be left scratching their heads, with Asha Greyjoy having her name changed to Yara to avoid confusion with the wilding Osha. Simple.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.