8 Cancelled TV Shows That Should Return Through Netflix

4. Awake

Awake Lucious Malfoy? Is that you? With an American accent? It is! Or it WAS, rather. This show's plot intrigued the hell out of me. He gets into a car accident with his wife and his son and ends up being split between two realities; one where his wife is alive and another where his son is alive. The mystery of this show was great and it would have been really interesting to see where they would have gone with the idea. That doesn't seem like it's happening any time soon though. Which is a real shame because this cop drama wasn't like all of the rest, which just essentially gives us the same story every week.

A student of film in New York City, Chris’s true love is with television and he hopes that someday he will be able to work in a writer’s room on a great show. He is also a great juggler, certified in advanced scuba diving, and also a liar.