8 DC Comics Characters The Arrowverse Has Saved
7. Heat Wave

With a character called Heat Wave, there's an obvious defining character trait that they are going to have - they're going to be hot-headed. For the most part, that has been the schtick of Mick Rory in his long-running history in the comics. Though, to be fair, he did give up his criminal ways for a while back in the day and even became an ally to Barry Allen... before reverting to his predilection for pyromania.
This was pretty much how the character started on The Flash as well, with Dominic Purcell growling his way through his guest appearances in the first two seasons. On Legends of Tomorrow, though, Mick quickly became one of the best members of the team. The character hasn't exactly become a cast-iron hero on the show but he has definitely mellowed.
Even when he lost his pal Snart for most of season two, it didn't hurt Rory's character and he still provided the necessary cynical voice to counterbalance the clean-cut, good guy atmosphere on the Waverider - the sort of character Joss Whedon fans would call the "Cordelia." He's now come a long way from just being 'the guy with the fire gun.'