8 Dream TV Castings That Came True

5. Idina Menzel As Shelby Corcoran - Glee

Bill The Last of Us
20th Television

From 2009 onwards, Glee took over television as one of the biggest shows around. Its school setting, bright musical numbers, and strong casting caught the eyes of many, especially around awards season.

Fans immediately agreed that Lea Michele, who played hopeful Broadway star Rachel Berry, had the air of Idina Menzel about her. Menzel is, appropriately, regarded as the Queen of Broadway. Viewers took to the internet to discuss, requesting that the showrunners take notice, and do what they could to bring Menzel in. As Rachel was the daughter of two gay men, there was a space for Menzel to enter the show as the character’s biological mother.

Glee then took a mid-season break, and during this time, the creators admitted they had met with the Queen of Broadway.

Appearing in episode 14 of the show as Shelby Corcoran, the vocal coach of the school’s rival group Adrenaline, fans were disappointed at first. However, a few weeks later, it’s revealed that Corcoran was indeed Rachel’s mother.

The character’s storylines throughout the show are often a point of contention with fans, but, for the most part, long-time Gleeks will remember the excitement of seeing their idea come to life onscreen.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.