8 Incredible Anime Series You Need To Watch In 2019

7. Vinland Saga

If you're one of the many people who were left unsatisfied by the ending of Game of Thrones, then historical drama, Vinland Saga, might be the show that satiates your need for medieval violence.

Set during the period where the Vikings and English were at war with each, this show has all the twists and turns that you would for anime that is compared to something like Game of Thrones.

The story centers around a young warrior called Thorfinn, who seeks revenge for the murder of his father by the vikings. Thorfinn isn't your stereotypical hero who goes by the book at all costs. This kid has seen and done some horrific things since his father was killed and those actions have helped mold him into the character he is today.

The show is a bit of a slow burner, as the writers aren't afraid to take their time establishing the characters and their motives. However, when the action begins, they certainly don't hold back with the visuals. The art style is fantastically gory and not only shows the overall scale of the battles, but also showcases how badass certain characters are.

If you can appreciate a plot heavy show, mixed in with some brutally violent scenes then Vinland Saga is the show for you.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.