8 Insane Urban Legends About Famous TV Shows
Some true, some maybe not... but all fascinating.

Urban legends and pop culture have always had an incredibly healthy relationship. Whether it's the story about Walt Disney's body being frozen for when scientists learn how to cheat death or the Munchkin actor who supposedly committed suicide in the background of a scene in The Wizard Of Oz, society can't get enough of these mysterious anecdotes.
But never are they more fascinating than the ones that spawn from television. When you think about it, television is the perfect place for the creation of urban legends. For a start, a massive amount of material is constantly being recorded, with much of it remaining on the cutting room floor, or simply never being aired. Then there's the fact that unlike film, so much television from the last few decades has been lost or become inaccessible to the general public, meaning that this rare and unknown footage is a prime breeding ground for rumour and enigma. From a talk show and its guests that potentially halted crime in America to the flashing of a sitcom star's testicles, here are eight insane urban legends about TV shows.