8 Notable Comparisons Between Breaking Bad And Scarface

6. Violence

Scarface is probably one of the most violent films of all time, some of it to the point of it being sickening, for example the infamous scene in the bathroom at one point where Tony is made to watch his partner being dismembered by a chainsaw. Blood dramatically spewing off into people's faces serves as a reminder of the danger of the trade Tony has entered himself into. Similarly Breaking Bad features a huge volume of violent scenes, Walt strangling a drug dealer in his basement, Jesse shooting Gale in the head, Gus Fring poisoning an entire cartel, are too name just a few of the violent scenes in Breaking Bad. However the one that is the most striking is the scene in the first episode of season 4 "Box Cutter", where Gus Fring ruthlessly slits the throat of his accomplice Victor. The reason that the violence is so striking is that Victor has seemingly done nothing wrong to Gus and this is just done as a message to Walt and Jesse; in that they could be next.


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