8 Shocking Game Of Thrones Scenes That Could Change TV Forever

Audiences will never be the same again.

Game of Thrones has never failed to shock audiences, for better or worse. From the first episode it was clear this was a show like no other. Typical television drama might involve a handful of characters, a modest budget and a simple plot, but Game of Thrones has always felt more cinematic. That's because, rather than conforming to expectations, the show has aimed to transcend what television is capable of, forcing us to re-imagine what we expect to see when we tune in for an evening of television. This is not always necessarily for the better. Fans and critics alike have argued about the gratuity of violence and sex, as well as more fundamental issues such as pacing - at times the enormous cast can appear bloated and become a hindrance rather than a strength - but it can never be said the show isn't engaging. With such a massive budget, and source material from the pages of one of the most popular book franchises ever, Game of Thrones has provided some of the most startling, unique and surely influential moments in television history. Some have been praised unanimously by fans and critics; all have stirred controversy. These are the eight shocking scenes from the show which have had (or will have) a lasting impact on television and pop culture.


Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.