8 Supporting Mad Men Characters Who Stole The Show

2. Harry Crane

Harry Crane Played by Rich Sommer, Harry Crane is the head of the television department at the company convincing the partners to create the department, as so many of their competitors seem to be doing the same thing. As he is such a key player he is taken asked to move from SC to SCDP in series four. His best moment is certainly when he is in the car with Don after signing a band he believed to be the Rolling Stones. We see Harry devour 19 burgers that were meant to be for his family. Harry goes on about having to supply for his family and that there is never anything left for him, saying that his lesson for anyone who is married is to 'eat first'. Harry takes a new more confident stance in series six as we see him overrule Joan and asks to be made partner. Tragically however, this request is declined.
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Oliver is a lover of all things football. A Sheffield Wednesday season ticket holder he's happy to have a chat, unless you're a blade of course.