8 Surprise TV Show Villain Reveals Everyone Hated

6. The Company - Prison Break

The Flash
20th Century Fox

In another example of a show not knowing where they were heading after the initial appeal wore out - or when to stop in this case - we have that time Prison Break decided to dial things up a few notches after the initial success of its earlier seasons.

Now, escaping a few prisons along the way was to be expected in a series that literally sells that on the tin. However, the sudden involvement of the Illuminati-style Company across Season 4 left fans rolling their eyes into the backs of their skulls.

Take your pick between double agents, to Schofield’s mother turning out to be a high ranking Company member - just about every shocking reveal pertaining to the string-pullers up high was met with more head scratches than joyous gasps.

Had the show opted to leave Michael well enough alone after springing brother Lincoln out of jail - and not decided to have him recruited by an evil group to do their bidding - fans could’ve been saved this gradually more disheartening return of barminess.

Hey ho, at least it’s finally officially over... for now.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...