8 Things Breaking Bad Taught Us About Science

5. How To Make Beans Into A Deadly Weapon

What happened in the show: As I explained just before, Walter prepares ricin twice in the show, the first batch intended for Tuco but the attempt failed, and the second is used to kill Lydia Rodarte-Quayle. What we didn€™t mention though was that Walt made this deadly poison from beans. Yes, beans. Maybe not your average baked beans, but a seemingly harmless food stuff nonetheless. Could it really happen? It's very unlikely. It€™s true that ricin can be extracted from castor beans, but it€™s by no means an easy process. There€™s tonnes of ricin recipes online, detailing the stages from softening the outer coat of castor beans, through cooking, mashing, filtering and adding solvents to ultimately synthesise your very own ricin. It looks easy; €˜you can do the entire process in your kitchen using glass jars and coffee filters€™ they say, but it€™s really not that simple. Pure ricin is highly dangerous, but the home-brewed form is not so pure as the methods to make it are crude. It€™s also likely that home brewing will degrade the activity of the ricin protein €“ so even if you do manage to find a technique that€™ll increase your purity levels, it€™s pretty likely that the protein will probably decay as you€™re making it anyway.

I have a pet hedgehog, I like to bake and I do science for a job.