8 Things Community Season 6 Has To Do‏

8. Give A Good Reason To Stay At Greendale

Community WikiCommunity WikiBesides being a gloriously insane story that pushed the limits of believability to breaking point - which is saying a lot, since it followed an episode-long animated GI Joe parody taking place in a character's subconscious - the finale of Community's fifth season seemed to give the show a fairly solid ending, tying up loose ends and bringing character arcs to a satisfying conclusion. Which followed the fourth season's finale, which the writers had also assumed may have been the finale for the series as a whole, and so also attempted to bring things to a proper end, as Jeff finally graduated. And some other stuff happened, but the less said about that, the better. So even at the beginning of season five the show was put in the unenviable position of finding a way to get Jeff and the study group back together, and back at Greendale again. Thankfully they just about managed to pull it off in "Re-Pilot", where we find the beleaguered community college in even more dire straits than usual, necessitating the gang to get back together as the Save Greendale Committee. Plus Jeff became a teacher, which meant that we still got all the fun and bonkers scholastic storylines as previous seasons, only from a new perspective. Thing is, the Save Greendale Committee succeeded. In the two-part finale "Basic Story"/"Basic Sandwich" the group, improbably, followed a map to buried treasure with the school's walls that let them buy it back from Subway, who hoped to turn it into a college for Sandwich Artists. So Greendale was saved, and the Committee was no longer needed, so why would they continue to hang around in the sixth season? Is Jeff still being a teacher enough? Chang somehow got on the school board, true, and the group were told they were only "delaying the inevitable", which means the Committee could have work ahead of them. But would that just feel like retreading the events of the fifth season? Anyway, none of this should be happening, because Greendale and everyone in it should've been destroyed by a giant asteroid. It's canon.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/