8 Things Community Season 6 Has To Do‏

6. Tie Up Loose Ends

NBCNBCSeason four of Community saw co-creator/showrunner/guiding light Dan Harmon booted from the show, probably for good reason; by all accounts he's a sort of drunken, self-obsessed crybaby. But he's a sort of drunken, self-obsessed crybaby who knows what he's doing with Community, something that replacement showrunners David Guarascio and Moses Port couldn't really boast. During his time on the show, Harmon and his writers had laid the groundwork for some slow-building emotional arcs and relationships within the study group, including Jeff's issues with his absent father and the burgeoning romance between Troy and Britta. To put it mildly, Guarascio and Port totally...well, Britta'd all that. After a long tease they finally made Jeff's dad an onscreen character, in an episode that didn't pay off whatsoever on the long and mostly unspoken animosity between father and son that had been built up in the background over the course of the previous three series. Even worse was the botched relationship between Britta and Troy, which could've given them new angles to explore within the study group through a pairing that nobody had thought of before. Instead they skip through the whole process of them getting together and enjoying dating and go straight to them breaking up halfway through the fourth season, and it's never spoke of again. We don't want any of that in season six. We want loose ends to be tied up, sure - especially if, once again, this turns out to be the final season after all - but not in a trite or disappointing way. We'd like a conclusion to the Britta/Jeff/Annie love triangle, and not just a jokey one like the called-off wedding between the former pair. We'd also like to see Abed's own father issues dealt with more finally, as they were touched on in the first season and never got back to. And we just want the Dean to be happy. That's all.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/