8 Times Ash Ketchum Proved Himself A Pokemon Master

5. His Unshakable Faith

pokemon ash pikachu
The Pokemon Company

Ash Ketchum understands his friends and Pokemon, without a doubt - but his belief in them is arguably even greater. Whenever they've hit a roadblock, he's been there cheering them on, helping them to achieve their full potential - and he's rarely back the wrong Ponyta in these matters.

Take May and Dawn, younger trainers starting out on their paths to become Pokemon coordinators, a side class to general gym-battling trainers that focuses more on showmanship. Both hit early stumbles, particularly the latter who endured a run of particularly difficult results on the road to her dream.

Not only did Ash help with their training, he invested himself more into their world to understand it - and in the process, helped elevate them on towards their own successes. He believes in them before they believe in themselves and that makes him a worthy champion as much as any of his own achievements.

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Something of a culture vulture, Mr Steel can historically be found in three places; the local cinema, the local stadium or the local chip shop. He is an avowed fan of franchise films, amateur cricket and power-chords.