8 TV Finales That Left Major Unanswered Questions

2. Lost

ABCABCEpisode: The End (2010) Now, we come to the one you've all been waiting for. Arguably the most famous series for leaving questions unanswered of all time, it's Lost! Give it a round of applause everybody. Or a boo and a hiss, depending on your own personal opinion of the show. Yes, after six seasons of increasingly far-fetched story lines - going all the way from the potentially believable polar bears on a tropical island to computer codes that had to be typed every 108 minutes to stop the world ending, not to mention time travel - the writers of Lost had the unenviable task of tying up all the plates that they had been spinning for years. Naturally, some of them were always going to smash. That is to say that many of the mysteries were never going to get answered. I'll stop with the metaphors now. The main thing that the finale, fittingly titled The End, does answer is the sixth season's mystery of the 'flash sideways' segments which saw the main characters living in an alternate timeline. In The End, this was revealed to be a look into the afterlife. Well, that's one out of five hundred and seven questions answered. Whether you are a die-hard fan of the show or someone who gave it up once it got more and more ridiculous (hey, it's their words not mine), it's fair to say the Lost finale left us all a little lost. But wait! If Lost, the King of Unanswered Questions, is number two, what on Earth is number one? It's funny you should say that as that's one of the questions left unanswered by the show that finds itself at the top of our list...
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