8 TV Shows That Made Dramatic Changes From Their Pilot Episodes

5. Family Guy: They're Nice To Meg

Family Guy Original Pilot

Family Guy was never going to win any awards for its animation when season one first aired, but its visuals look like retina-melting 8K compared to the pilot episode Seth McFarlane threw together on a shoestring budget in 1999.

The pilot is essentially an abridged version of Death Has a Shadow, season one's opener, with a hand-drawn aesthetic, but that wasn't the only thing that changed between then and Fox's decision to give the show the green light.

Chris' voice is different, Lois has blonde hair, Quagmire doesn't exist yet and, most weirdly of all, everyone is nice to Meg. The Griffin daughter usually serves as a punching bag for verbal and physical assault, but in this strange, alternative version of Quahog, the family actually seems to like her. She's less whiney too.

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Family Guy
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