8 TV Shows That Should Have Stopped When They Were Ahead

4. Heroes

heroes_tv_show-600x300Must Watch Season 1Then stop. Just stop. Heroes should have been a 1 season mini-series. The premise of a group of mutants without a Professor X to unite them was an interesting idea that evolved to an extent by the more youth oriented Misfits. While Heroes respected an adult audience with adult themed story lines and hero figures the multiple storylines led to some loss of character development as the various 12 lead characters were all gradually led to the big finale; the nuclear explosion that was foreshadowed from early on in the show. BUT€. That was it. When the explosion was averted in the Season Finale, there was really nothing to fall back on. Cyrus the serial killer isn€™t much of a story line to center an entire series around and it lost a lot of it€™s initial fan base for no other reason other than they were completely satisfied with Season 1. If the constant introduction of new characters while keeping the older ones around without resolving story lines sounds a bit like a certain popular HBO fantasy show involving thrones and games and dragons and such, you€™re not far wrong. Heroes was a great show that tried to be the new 'LOST' but should have either completely re-invented itself or just quit while it was ahead, much like Britain€™s similarly themed but much more entertaining show€.

Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.