8 TV Shows That Should've Stopped At Season One

3. Westworld

Westworld Anthony Hopkins Dr Ford

Ever since Game of Thrones blew every other television show’s ratings out of the water, HBO has been trying to make lightning strike twice. And, for a while, it looked as though Westworld would be able to replicate that success. To this day, the first season is still the most viewed debut season of any HBO production.

But while Westworld may have looked like a runaway success at first, its second and third seasons are what really put the brakes on the whole thing.

Based on the film of the same name written and directed by Michael Crichton, the feature is set in a futuristic theme park known as ‘Westworld’, where paying customers may live out their fantasies. The park is populated by android ‘hosts’, who are forbidden by their programming from harming humans no matter what they do to them. The first season of the show depicts these hosts gaining sentience and realising the existential horror of their existence.

The problem with seasons two and three is that, in stark contrast to the first, they seem to have no idea what they want to say. The plots come across as both confusing and more concerned with creating puzzles for fans online than actually exploring who their characters are.

Maybe it’s for the best if we just make like the hosts and wipe our memories of most of the show.


Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.