I watch a lot of television and there are a lot of moments where I will be watching a show and someone awesome will pop up out of nowhere. At that moment, I'll freak out. There are other occasions where I will be watching a show over again from the beginning and will notice them the second time around and it's even better then it would have been before. When I was thinking about the contents of this article I couldn't get the thought out of my head that some people would have noticed some of these cameos and some would not. I cannot emphasize the word "
PROBABLY" in the title enough. This list is in no particular order. I feel that all of these cameos are equal and if you feel differently please leave a comment and let me know!
9. David Copperfield Scrubs
Episode Appeared: My Lucky Day (Season 2) The main character of Scrubs, Dr. John "J.D." Dorian constantly drifts off into his own thoughts and daydreams, sometimes even pondering over past events. This is where half of the comedy takes place in my opinion. The best part about this cameo is the fact that it's completely out of nowhere. I had to rewind a few times because it was so great. J.D. comes across Copperfield in a bar and ends up doing a cheesy magic trick, and then Copperfield does an even better magic trick. Copperfield ends up mocking J.D.'s reaction to his trick and it is now one of favorite Scrubs moments.