9 Awful TV Characters We're Supposed To Root For

7. Fred Flintstone - The Flintstones

Friends Ross and Rachel
Warner Bros Television Distribution

Based on the classic Honeymooner's character, Ralph Kramden, Fred is an avid bowler, constant lounger, and proud member of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes. He's also a giant, insufferable chauvinist that treats his wife and friends like total garbage.

Let's take a look at the average storyline in any episode of The Flintstones: It's Fred being caught in the act doing something that's, at best, a tad unseemly, and subsequently lying to his devoted wife about it. It's Fred walking all over his supposed best friend, Barney, and really taking great joy from belittling the poor guy. It's Fred, putting in his eight hours at the quarry (where the animals do all of the real labor, mind you) and then using that as an excuse for why he should get a free pass on pretty much everything else.

And then there's the temper tantrums. For a grown man who spends most of his time just sorta hanging out with his bud, drinking, smoking, and bowling, the guy's got some major rage issues.

Obviously, this is a cartoon from the 60s, and some of Fred's behavior was the norm in that era, but there's no way to watch it now without wanting to kick the guy right in the dinosaur eggs. 

Yabba dabba don't use this man as a role model, kids.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.