9 Characters Who Will Definitely Survive Game Of Thrones

1. Jon Snow

Perhaps a little controversial considering the climactic tension at the end of the last book, but there's no reason to think that Jon won't pull a Rasputin-like resurrection once again, especially since there's still an almighty question hanging over him. And what's a little stabbing to a Snerrr? Why He'll Survive Jon Snow is Martin's who-dunnit. The question of his parentage is the most compelling unanswered question in the entire series and represents a smart opportunity for an Earth-shattering (but not exactly unexpected) twist, confirming the theory that Snow is the son of Lyanna Stark and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and thus the third dragon (it's not an accident that there are three, or that one of them is a bloody wildcard to say the least.) The ideal finale would see Snow either taking the throne in the North to share the rule of Westeros with his half-sister, or refusing it entirely to nobly stay with his men at the Wall. Which would be a lot more believable if they hadn't all just turned him into a walking Kerplunk. One way or another, Snow has got ruling in his future and his ultimate reconciliation with Arya is going to be one of the emotional highlights of the show's entire run, as everyone forgets about the other, slightly rubbish surviving members of the Stark clan. Who do you think will survive the game of thrones? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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