9 Most Emotional TV Moments Of 2016

4. The Ending - BoJack Horseman

Orange Is The New Black Taystee

BoJack Horseman is an incredibly strange beast (the show, not the titular character, although he is that too). An animated series about a washed-up sitcom actor, who also happens to be an anthropomorphic horse, it follows his life, struggles, and friends both human and animal.

That it gets a whole load of comedy from this ridiculous setup is impressive enough. But what truly makes BoJack Horseman stand out is how deftly it handles its emotional beats. A series that, yes, is about a talking horse, but also deals with depression, anxiety, fame, and grief in a way very few shows can manage.

No moment better encapsulates that than the closing stages of the stellar Season 3. BoJack has lost Sarah Lynn, is distanced from everyone around him, and can't let himself be happy.

He drives down an empty road, picking up dangerous speed, and then closes his eyes and takes his hands off the wheel. When the car eventually stops, BoJack stands and watches a number of other horses running wild and free. But that's all he can do, for now: stand and watch, not join in. It's an extremely powerful and poignant end to a season that was every bit as sad as it was hilarious, and thoughtful as it was weird.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.