9 Reasons To Be Excited About Arrested Development Season 5

4. A Lot More GOB - As President Of The Bluth Company

The best episodes of Season 4 focused on GOB. No question. In fact, along with Tobias, you'd be hard-pushed to find another character with as many truly side-achingly funny lines across the four seasons. So why did it take so long for GOB's Season 4 episodes to show up? OK, so Hurwitz insisted that the season could be watched in any order, and that the narrative puzzle could be solved in a number of ways. Realistically though, it worked best to watch it in the chronological order that it was presented. GOB's only two episodes were parts 7 and 11. He made brief appearances in earlier episodes, but forcing the audience to wait that long for such a great character to steal the limelight certainly was... Sorry... A huge mistake. Fortunately, when he finally arrived GOB stole the show as expected. The season also concluded with him as president of the Bluth Company, so it should be fun to see how the company fares under his expert leadership.

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