9 Reasons To Be Excited About Arrested Development Season 5
2. Fewer Guest Stars - But More Focus On The Best Ones
To compensate for the absence of Bluth family members in certain episodes, Hurwitz wrote in a lot of smaller characters. Some of these were exceptional, with the most effective being those that had appeared earlier in the show: Gene Parmesan, Private Detective; Henry Winkler's Barry Zuckerhorn; Ben Stiller's Tony Wonder. But some felt overused, such as Ron Howard (great as a narrator, not so great as a key character) and his daughter Rebel. There was also the error of selecting Seth Rogen, who is only really any good at playing himself, to portray a young George Sr. Given how absolutely hilarious Jeffrey Tambor is, the selection of someone like Rogen to play an earlier version of his character just emphasised how poor a fit he was for the show. Here's to more focus on the Bluths next time out, and less emphasis on the side-show figures.