9 Star Trek: The Animated Series Aliens That Should Appear In Live Action
8. Megans

Introduced in the episode The Magicks of Megas-Tu, the humanoid Megans were the sole inhabitants of the planet Megas-Tu. Their planet existed in an otherwise empty parallel universe where magic governed natural law rather than physics. In their search for companionship, the Megans crossed into our universe and made their way to Earth. The Megans became advisors and councilors to humans, drawing on the powers of their universe to aid humankind.
When the Megans refused to be exploited, they would be accused of being evil. Eventually, they attempted to live as ordinary people in Salem, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, the Megans were discovered and several were executed during the Salem Witch Trials. The survivors pooled their powers and returned to their home dimension where they nursed bitter resentment towards humans.
The writers of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds have shown a willingness to lean into the playful side of space exploration. An episode of Strange New Worlds featuring the crew encountering magic-wielding aliens would fit well with with episodes such as Spock Amok and The Elsyian Kingdom. It would also allow a chance to explore the difference between magic and science. Is the Federation's advanced technology that different from magic?