9 Things You Didn't Know About Joan Rivers

2. She Was Actually Very Sensitive

€œHumour doesn't come out of the good times, it comes out of the anger, pain and sorrow.€ Given that she recently claimed that Kim Kardashian€™s baby was €œdesperately in need of a waxing,€ you could be forgiven for thinking that Rivers had few feelings to speak of, but that wasn€™t the case. €œI'm really a very sensitive person; I only go after the ones who are big enough to take it," she once said of her celebrity putdowns €“ though, in light of just how many people she castigated and how often, whether or not this was an accurate statement is a bit debatable. What is not debatable, however, is that she was far from immune to personal suffering and certainly endured her share. The failure of her first marriage was a blow and the tragic circumstances in which she lost her second husband threatened to break her completely, leading to her developing bulimia and contemplating suicide. The documentary Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work also revealed a different side to the comedienne, and since her death many friends and acquaintances have spoken highly of her warm, sensitive nature €“ something that was often obscured by her outspoken persona.
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Joan Rivers
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