9 Times TV Shows Failed To Hide The Passage Of Time

3. Most Actresses Were Filmed In Soft Focus To Make Them Look Younger - Star Trek: The Original Series

Billions TV

Before you ask - no, the women pictured are not the same person.

The original Star Trek series boasted one rather infamous stylistic trick to try and deny the passage of time, and that was shooting most of its actresses - whether leads or day-players - through extremely soft focus.

This was a common technique in 1960s television and was typically deployed to "soften" a woman's appearance, making the natural lines on their face less visible and basically imply they're younger than they actually are.

Watching The Original Series today, it's laughable how often the stylistic trope is used, especially during close-ups of any attractive woman.

For a show so thoroughly centered around progressive politics, making such a concerted and transparent effort to fight the "ravages" of time paradoxically seems rather regressive.

While Hollywood still has a troubling attitude towards depicting naturally aging women today, literally slathering the camera lens in Vaseline to conceal a few lines and wrinkles is hilariously desperate - and surely much more noticeable than just presenting them as they are in regular focus.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.