9 Times TV Shows Failed To Hide The Passage Of Time

1. Shannen Doherty's Sour Relationship With The Producers Led To A Distracting Body Double - Charmed

Billions TV
The WB

And finally we have Charmed, which saw producers put in a tough spot any time they wanted to visually reference departed sister Prue (Shannen Doherty), who was killed off and exited the show at end of season three per Shannen Doherty's wishes.

Doherty's time on the show was marred by in-fighting with both her co-stars and producers, and these relationships seemingly didn't much improve in subsequent years following Doherty's departure.

The season five episode "Cat House" was designed as a surreal, self-aware take on the clip show format, as a spell is cast which sends Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) and Paige (Rose McGowan) back in time to experience Piper's (Holly Marie Combs) memories.

This includes reliving Piper's wedding from season three, but because the production couldn't come to an agreement with Doherty to re-use clips of her from the original episode - reportedly due to Doherty's exorbitant asking fee - the decision was made to replace her with a stand-in instead.

As such, Prue makes a rather awkward, fleeting appearance on the back of a motorcycle where her face is never visible, and the episode otherwise only features material from the season three episode where she was, conveniently enough, turned into a dog.

In the end this is actually a lot more distracting than just not featuring Prue at all, because it's impossible not to think of all those behind-the-scenes squabbles any time Prue's face is very intentionally concealed from view.

Sometimes it's better to just embrace the way things are and move on - failing to accept that Doherty's relationship with the production had soured over the years and trying to impress that she was still sticking around invited well-earned derision from fans.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.