9 TV Shows That Wrapped Up In Ridiculously Bizarre Ways

7. Steins;Gate

Time travel stories automatically rank high up on the list of the bizarre and ridiculous, and so does anime, for good and for bad (honestly, I could've simply filled this list bizarre anime endings I remembered). But sometimes, two bizarre things come together and make something that is still bizarre and ridiculous, but which is pretty good. Steins;Gate revolves around a "mad scientist" college student who accidentally creates a time machine out of a microwave and discovers a CERN* conspiracy to rule the world through time travel after causing World War III. After getting stuck in a time loop trying to save his girlfriend and his childhood friend from being shot by CERN cronies, the hero teams up with his best friend's daughter (who is from the future) to go back to the first episode. He then causes most of the weird stuff from the first episode, stabs himself to make a blood pool around his unconscious girlfriend to fool himself and the universe into thinking she is dead, then manages to make it back to the present so he can get to a hospital. Surprisingly, despite how convoluted the story was (I dramatically simplified there), everything does fit together pretty well, with minimal logic and causality problems. It still doesn't make the events in the series or its finale any less ridiculous or bizarre, but it's nice to see creators think this stuff through, instead of toss weird stuff on the screen for the sake of being weird. * CERN in Steins;Gate is spelled with an S instead of a C, presumably to avoid getting everyone involved with its production sued.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.