9 Ups & NO Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks 5.9 - Fissure Quest
2. UP — (Pen)Ultimate Profanity

"As long as he doesn't freak out," was the pointed set-up, which, in this case, made the punchline even better. 'To Be Continued…'s are tough to do well. "Holy f**k! We're all gonna die! [fade to black] [screams, crashes]," will go down as one of Star Trek's funniest. Moreover, with the fate of the entire Prime universe in the balance, the cliffhanger to Lower Decks' penultimate will go down as one with the highest stakes.
Before the profane, was the profound. William proved he deserved the captain's pips, whilst that particular version of Harry Kim proved he didn't. As soliton waves threatened to wreak havoc across every quantum reality, the Boimler duplicate picked his own to take the fall for them all.
"Why would you do this to your friends?" asked the alternate Ensign Mariner. "Because he trusts them," replied Lily Sloane. "And that trust transcends quantum realities. Activate the soliton beam," concluded Captain Boimler. That, and the T'Pol/Curzon scene that had preceded it, was dramatic perfection from the finest calibre of actors we could ever have hoped for!