Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Toymaker

9. He Has A Sister

Doctor Who the Toymaker
BBC Studios

Brian Hayles later wrote The Queen of Time, an unmade Second Doctor serial that would've introduced the Toymaker's half-sister Hecuba, the so-called Queen of Time who had mastery over time in the same way the Toymaker has mastery over reality.

She used those gifts to pluck unwitting people from across time and space as dinner guests and potential players of her temporal games. In Hayles' story outline, Jamie and Zoe are forced to play various games involving time and clocks, much like Steven and Dodo in The Celestial Toymaker.

Meanwhile, rather than the Toymaker wanting to keep the Doctor as a worthy opponent, Hecuba wants him as her husband. It's hilarious to imagine Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor being lusted after by the Queen of Time herself.

Although arguably, as the Eleventh Doctor and River Song, Matt Smith and Alex Kingston provide a pretty good estimation of what that would look like.

Hayles' outline was rejected, presumably due to similarities with The Celestial Toymaker. The writer would have much greater success in the Troughton era when he created the Ice Warriors.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.