Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Toymaker

7. He Was Intended To Be A Time Lord

Doctor Who the Toymaker
BBC Studios

In the age of 15 Doctors and the Timeless Child, it's worth remembering that in 1966, very little was known about the Doctor's backstory. Viewers had met the Meddling Monk in the 1965 serial The Time Meddler, but the names Gallifrey and Time Lord were still alien.

To that end, script editor Donald Tosh had intended to make the Toymaker another member of the Doctor's race. The Doctor knows the Toymaker by name and reputation in the serial, warning Dodo and Steven about the villain's predilection for turning people into playthings.

The Doctor's knowledge of the Toymaker could be because that's the sort of thing an intergalactic traveller would know – or, it could be that he knows about him because they were at the Time Lord Academy together.

The Toymaker was never confirmed to be one of the Doctor's own people in the serial, but the intention was certainly there. Perhaps Russell T Davies could make good on this promise in The Giggle?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.