Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder Review - 9 Ups And 2 Downs

4. UP - Testing A Friendship

Doctor Who Wild Blue Yonder
BBC Studios

There are very few Doctor/companion duos throughout the history of the show that this episode would've worked as well with. Fourteen and Donna are incredibly in sync, and very aware of every facet of each other’s personalities – something that’s sort of a make-or-break when taking on doppelgängers.

Every scene where these two were attempting to tell their real friend apart from the fake was extremely well put together, with both putting forward arguments very characteristic of themselves (and the subtle inconsistencies in the arguments put forward by the fakers worked extremely well too). What made these scenes doubly effective was the audience being left in the dark on who was real pretty much every time, allowing us to pick up on those hints and inconsistencies and draw our own conclusions.

We loved the scene where the Doctor was able to tell the real Donna apart due to NotDonna not seeing her own brilliance, something Donna is able to see in herself – a really lovely way of rewarding the insight these two have into each other’s emotions.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.