Agent Carter: 10 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

2. Fenhoff Or Faustus?

Agent Carter Easter Eggs
Marvel Studios

One of the duo of major villains that Peggy has to stop in Agent Carter is Dr Fenhoff, the seemingly genial psychiatrist who is actually working for Leviathan and can hypnotize just about anyone.

If this sounds like a kooky comic book power that's because it is, as the character is actually derived from the supervillain Dr Faustus whose original name was Johann Fenhoff before he took on his more maleficent moniker.

The source of Fenhoff's power in the show seems to be his ring which he uses to mesmerize his victims. Some savvy fans out there have suggested that Fenhoff has acquired one of the Mandarin's Ten Rings - specifically the one that controls minds. The Mandarin has had quite the convoluted story in the MCU so far (first he was Ben Kingsley, then he was Guy Pearce and then a One Shot suggested he was neither) but the existence of his rings is not contradicted by anything on screen so it's a perfectly valid fan theory.


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