Agents Of SHIELD: 10 MIA Characters Who Should Return

5. Donnie Gill

Last Seen: Sinking into the ocean - freezing along the way - after being shot in Season Two's "Making Friends and Influencing People." Gill has made two appearances on the show, one in each of the first two seasons, and the door has been left open for a return in the future. Not long after being shot, it was confirmed that his body was never found. Considering how far along his abilities had developed between his two appearances, he's surely mastered them even further by now. As the show's version of the comic character Blizzard, he could easily turn up as a full-on villain, though with the Secret Warriors slowly adding members to its roster, he'd make a great addition to the team if he could be convinced to use his powers for good.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!