Agents Of SHIELD Season 7: Ranking Each Character By How Likely They Are To Die

5. Enoch

Agents of SHIELD Season 7
Walt Disney Television

Season seven has pushed Enoch into the spotlight more than ever before. Fitz's Chronicom best friend finally feels like part of the team, and even had an emotional moment when he was left behind in the 1930s. However, because he cannot age, he simply waited forty-some years before rejoining the agents in the 1970s.

Enoch's abandonment was played for more drama than his temporary death in Season 5. This shows that the writers can use something happening to Enoch for heartbreaking moments. Could it be setup for his demise later on? As a newer character to the show, Enoch probably wouldn't be THE "big death" of the final season, but killing him off before that "big death" would be in line with how Agents of SHIELD has killed characters in the past.

Enoch has been working hard to gain the team's respect, and for them to treat him like a human rather than a robot. If he were to sacrifice himself for them, maybe he'd finally earn that respect.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.