Agents Of SHIELD: 10 Major Predictions For The Future

5. Mockingbird Will Meet Clint Barton

In the comics, Bobbi Morse (aka Mockingbird) is married to Clint Barton, better known as Hawkeye, portrayed by Jeremy Renner thus far in the MCU. While outside of Nick Fury and Maria Hill, no one from the Avengers has done a cameo on the series, Renner would be a good candidate to guest star as he does not have an individual Hawkeye movie that he is working on (yet). Currently, Bobbi has started an on-again, off-again relations ship with her ex-husband Lance Hunter (Nick Blood). But the current trajectory of their relationship can only end in heartbreak for both of them (again). Enter Clint Barton. Adding the romantic tension of a love triangle involving an Avenger would add some drama and animosity to a team that is barely hanging together as it is. If they could sign Jeremy Renner on to guest star in a handful of episodes, it would not only build the Mockingbird and Hawkeye characters, but it would also provide the show with a direct link to The Avengers (and the ratings boost that would bring with it).

Daniel is a husband of one and a father of 4 and an Office Manager in the desert of Apple Valley, California. He has a Bachelor Degree in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. He is a big fan of all things superhero. Please follow him on Twitter @TV_Nerd_Dude.