Alan Partridge: Every TV Show And Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Alan Partridge: Welcome To The Places Of My Life

Alan Partidge

The second of Sky's 2012 Partridge specials is a more satisfying all round experience than Open Books. Welcome To The Places Of My Life sees the East Anglian icon taking us on a highly personal tour around Albion's Hindquarters (or, quite simply, the Wales of the East): Norfolk.

This 45 minute travelogue of unremarkable locations around Norwich with some supposed connection to our hero, including the church where he was baptised ("a gentle form of waterboarding") and the controversially swoop-roofed local leisure centre, is an enjoyable send up of other documentaries in which minor celebrities go on some form of "personal journey".

Alan remains, in what he describes as the words of Ross Kemp, "equidistant between chit chat and analysis", oscillating between petty point-scoring minor victories and inane pontificating on the likes of swimming pool hygiene or the cola wars, all of which has an impressive hit-rate of dialogue that is highly quotable in its well-observed nitpicking specificity.

The special highlights many of Patridge's tragicomic foibles, but lacks the rich recurring supporting cast of some of his ongoing series (long-suffering PA Lynn is the only returning character and only features on the other end of a phone).

Its spot-on parody of the Dan Snow or David Starkey school of presenting history while striding purposefully through a building (in this case a story of Norwich council imposing night-time parking fees) also points the way to Alan's upcoming new series, announced this week and currently filming, which will be a Partridge-fronted history show.


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