American Horror Story: 10 Worst Characters

7. Evie Gallant

American Horror Story Lady Gaga

American Horror Story has never been afraid of a bit of parody. Despite the occasional stomach-churning violence, the show does camp well. The dress sense of the Warlocks of Apocalypse and Witches of Coven demonstrate that fabulously. Ryan Murphy’s mind may let its more twisted side out in AHS, but it’s still the mind behind Glee, Scream Queens and Nip/Tuck.

That over the top nature has served AHS well down the years, but it overplays its hand with Evie Gallant. Joan Collins essentially playing herself with a different name, the character is thoroughly unlikeable for the entirety of her screen time.

There’s so many complex characters within Apocalypse’s early episodes where we’re still deciding as viewers which one to root for. With Leslie Grossman’s Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt, Evie’s not even the most interesting spoiled socialite there.

Quite obviously there to deepen the characterisation of her grandson Mr. Gallant, she feels so detached from audiences. And as parodies go it’s hardly new or daring to show how foolish and ridiculous the celebrity hangers-on act.

The scene with her grandson acting out around her quaint collection of GBFs is her only highlight.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)