American Horror Story: 12 Most Dramatic Deaths

5. Maggie Esmerelda

Season: Freak Show What goes around comes around and for Maggie, karma cut her in half for what she tried to do to Ma Petite. Maggie volunteers to perform in Chester's magic trick and, ironically, doesn't see her death coming. Because of Chester's hallucinations, he doesn't see Maggie but the victims of his past and she suffers horrendously when he makes sure that she is unable to escape. He severs her in half in front of the other freaks, but what makes this so dramatic is that no one can do anything to help her and Emma Roberts, who plays Maggie, has one set of lungs on her...

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.