American Horror Story: 6 Iconic Horror Actors Who Should Star

5. Tim Curry

Known for scaring children everywhere with his unique voice and his portrayal of Pennywise the Clown in Stephen King's IT, Tim Curry is definitely one of the more frightening on this list. I for one, blame my fear of clowns entirely on this guy's performance. With the rumour that the next season of the show will include a travelling circus revolved around circus freaks, Tim Curry just screams the role of ringmaster to me. He has the look of an incredibly well sophisticated gentleman who could go from the nice caring ringmaster who puts on a great show for the audience and happily smiles for the cameras, but when the lights are off, he transforms into a cold, heartless abusive master who physically and verbally abuses the other circus freaks. Similar to how Joseph Fiennes was written in season 2 of the show, I could see Tim Curry giving a similar yet more unique performance as to not completely copy Fiennes. You could cast him as a scary clown, but that would be extremely redundant. With his terrifying voice and physical presence, Tim Curry seems to be one of the actors that should appear on one of the most loved horror shows of the past decade.

Just a regular, everyday guy who loves to write and have his work published. Long time fan of DC and Marvel comics and loves nothing more than to see his fave characters adapted on screen.