American Horror Story: Ranking Every Season Finale From Worst To Best

5. Freak Show

American Horror Story Finales

Title: Curtain Call

Synopsis: Dandy purchases Elsa Cabinet of Curiosities and the freaks struggle to come to terms with their new owner. Meanwhile, a newly empowered Ms. Mars takes her search for celebrity status to Hollywood. It soon transpires that not everything brings the fame and fortune she thought she wanted.

In typical AHS style, Freak Show departed its season minus most of its cast. The usual character cull came later in the season than usual, and Dandy hunting down the freaks in near silence was reminiscent of a slasher film stalking. At least we got an ode to the thrill of the circus and Houdini with Dandy's demise, and some good ol' Ryan Murphy justice.

We have come to expect very few happy endings on Horror Story, but Bette not getting hers wasn't really fair. I had always been #TeamBette, so her missing out on her fairytale was a bit of a downer. Alongside her rendition of "Life on Mars", and now in a post-Bowie era, there is a poignant happiness to Lange singing Heroes and the montage of the survivors moving on.

The return of Wes Bentley's Edward Mordrake and his troop of misfit ghouls was a nod to earlier in the season, but having Halloween elements in January knocked the show off-kilter slightly. A predictable ending of Elsa banished to an afterlife in her own big top could be seen a mile off, but at least she found her own slice of happiness, spending eternity with her family of freaks.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap