Archer: 6 Exciting Possibilities For Season 5 (Based On The Premiere)

Archer is being talked about seriously for the first time in years. After a stellar pair of back to back seasons (the show's second and third), the fourth season was less openly received. Many marked it off as the sort of season a show produces as it starts it walk down the long staircase away from greatness. Creator Adam Reed apparently heard what everyone was saying and decided to blow the show up. ***Super Spoilers of the most dangerous variety lay beyond this point*** The fifth season premiere of Archer saw ISIS on the wrong end of the law, as it's revealed that it was never really part of the government to begin with. Mallory was just using Sterling and the gang as her own private military force, which both cracks the show's premise wide open and makes perfect sense. Now the ISIS crew is out of work and in possession of a literal ton of cocaine. So begins Archer Vice, a new show very different from the old one just brimming with possibilities...
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Kevin Lanigan is a fun-loving Sagittarius who enjoys long walks on the beach and sunsets. While running a popular blog called Chekhov's Gunman, Kevin hopes to one day write the best movies and television you can complain about on the Internet. One of those movies, entitled IT DIDN'T TAKE, just opened up on Indiegogo and would appreciate all donations. Rosebud is a sled.