Arrow: 10 Things That Need To Happen Next

4. Agency For Thea

While we're on the subject of main characters being kept in the dark, let's have a look at young Thea Queen. She lost her father, was pushed away by her brother, watched her mother confess to involvement in a plot to destroy a chunk of the city, discovered that her biological father was the mass murderer to orchestrate that plot, witnessed her mother's brutal death, was abandoned by her brother at the funeral, was assaulted as she tried to leave Starling, turned to her mass murdering father when she ran out of alternatives, and was then brainwashed into killing a friend as part of a convoluted scheme to manipulate Oliver into confronting Ra's al Ghul. The girl isn't even old enough to drink without a fake ID. In a way, it's kinder to allow her to retain the ignorance of her role in Sara's death. Thea is a victim as much as the unwitting perpetrator in the crime; had she been free of Malcolm's drug-induced control, Sara never would have died the way that she did. Thea's mistake was trusting Malcolm as the only port in a storm; the cost should not be her soul. Nevertheless, Thea has the right to learn the truth both of what she did to Sara and of what Malcolm did-and presumably is still doing-to her. Thea needs to know what has been taken from her and given the chance to atone in her own way. Whether this is by turning on Malcolm and joining Team Arrow or running away again, Thea deserves to finally make her own informed choice.
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .