Arrow Cast: Where Are They Now?

10. David Ramsey

Stephen Amell
The CW

There's no Oliver Queen without Diggle by his side. David Ramsey brought Oliver's trusty bodyguard John Diggle to life throughout Arrow's eight season run. After proving his physical prowess, Diggle took on the mantle of Spartan - and even became the Green Arrow for a short time.

David loved his time in the Arrowverse so much that he just can't let it go. Since the show ended, David has reprised his role on The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Batwoman, and Superman & Lois. In Legends of Tomorrow, he even played an additional character by the name of Bass Reeves who was intended to be an ancestor of John Diggle.

It's not just his onscreen role that keeps David tied to the Arrowverse. Recently, he's also taken an interest in directing. After making his directing debut on Arrow in 2019, David has fully cemented his role as a reliable Arrowverse director this year, directing episodes of Superman & Lois, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and Batwoman.

As a huge fan of Diggle, it's exciting to see David is still creating magic both in front of and behind the camera across the Arrowverse. We'll have to stay tuned to see what other projects David will pursue in the future.


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