Arrow Season 4: 12 Questions We're Asking After 'Legends Of Yesterday'

3. Is Olicity Still In Jeopardy?

The argument that €˜if you love me, you wouldn€™t keep secrets€™ isn€™t really a valid one from Felicity, but if she truly feels that way, then it doesn€™t matter if she€™s right or wrong. While it wasn€™t a formal break-up, it sure looked like things were going to be on the rocks for Oliver and Felicity. But with that timeline erased, it€™s still unclear if their relationship on the whole is safe. Even without his son€™s involvement, it€™s clear that both Oliver and Felicity are having different reactions to returning to the life of superheroing. That gap in what they each want for the future isn€™t going to go away and the presence of Damien Darhk is only going to make matters in the present more complicated at every turn. This is a CW show and that means that relationship drama will always be a staple of its storytelling. Things are bound to get rocky at some point, so the real test will be if these two can last.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.