Arrow Season 4: 17 WTF Moments From 'Code Of Silence'

2. Mister Terrific

What a guy that Curtis Holt is. In a shocking WTF moment that could change the landscape of Arrow going forward, Curtis gives Felicity and Oliver the very best possibly present ahead of their wedding: he gives Felicity a chip that could bring back the use of her legs. Whilst this throws up some major questions in regards to how long Felicity will remain wheelchair-bound for, it was a great, emotional moment for the show as Felicity and Ollie struggled to fully express their gratitude to Ollie. As Oliver puts it to him, €œYou€™re terrific€. Yep, and that€™d be a nice nod to the comic books in which Michael Holt (the inspiration for Arrow€™s Curtis Holt) is known as the superhero Mister Terrific. If a membership to Team Arrow is around the corner for Curtis, he sure did himself no harm when it comes to getting in Oliver Queen€™s good graces.
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