Arrow Season 4: 6 Villains You Need To Know About

1. Damien Darhk

Damien Darhk was mentioned by Ra€™s al Ghul last year, described as being a friend of his and the two competed for the right to become the new Demon€™s Head, and when Darhk was overlooked he left the League, taking with him a loyal band of followers and water from the Lazarus Pit.

Those followers are H.I.V.E., and Darhk is going to be the big bad of season 4 (so much for that €˜lighter€™ tone€). Neal McDonough is making the move from Marvel (where he plays Dum Dum Dugan) to DC to star as the new major foe for Oliver Queen, and Marc Guggenheim has said he€™ll be different to any other villain we€™ve seen so far:

€œHe's pure evil. We wanted someone who was truly, truly malevolent. We've never done that on the show before€This guy does the wrong thing for the wrong reasons."

With genius level intellect and League-level fighting abilities, combined with the aforementioned malevolence, Darhk certainly sounds as though he€™s going to be an excellent foe for Oliver (and even better if the theory regarding him and Felicity comes to pass), and one that will need all of Team Arrow€™s collective strength to stop.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.